Sunday, 9 September 2012

The Bug Man

Bug man comes to Te Anau School

On the 3rd of August, Ruud Kleinpaste (The Bug man) came to Te Anau School, to talk to us about bugs and how they help the world.
First we started off with singing the finale song of the Lorax Production.
He started talking about poo, and without bugs, we’d be covered in it.
After that he took out his weta, Dorothy. He explained how a female has a type of tube on their bottom which helped them lay eggs. Weta have special sensors on their rear-end which helps them tell the weather.
We started with the questions. We found out that when he was younger, he was more of a birdman. His fascination started with bugs, when he was researching about the birds food chain.

After that Ruud came to our Enviro Groups to see what we have been doing.

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Ski Trips

Ski Trips


In the past few weeks there has been 2 ski trips at Remarkables, Queenstown and a lot of people enjoyed it. The two trips included half of the students from Te Anau school in each one. The dates were the 10th and 31st of August.  Lots of people enjoyed it and I would recommend it for all people on the next ski trip. Here are some opinions from other people who went on the ski trip.

Alyssa said it was fun.

Emily said I liked it.  It was fun.

Sarah thought it was extremely fun.

Lily K-T thinks the ski trip was great fun.

Jack thinks the ski trip was really awesome and cold.

Korero Mai - Punchline

Room 12’s Korero Mai, Punchline.

There is a roster in our class that tells you when and what you’re on.

Korero Mai is an oral language program that helps us with confidence of speaking in front of an audience and you get marked out of 10.  5 for organization and 5 for presentation.

 Punch line is one of the options we have to do.  It iswhen we tell jokes.

In Week 8 Jacob Robertson did punch line. Here are 2 of his jokes.

1.       Why does a flamingo lift up one leg?

Because if he lifted up both he would fall over!

2.       Did you hear about the little boy who got named after his father?

They called him Dad!


Lily Campbell thinks Jacob’s jokes were funny but he did stumble.

Lily K-T thinks that Jacob’s jokes were good and funny.

Matiu thinks that Jacob’s jokes were awesome.

Rylie thinks they were cool.

By Hazel , Taylor and Vision.

Tidiest Class Award

Hey, yay we won the tidiest class award. We are very honoured to win as it's our very first time this year! Our next goal is to get the quietiest class award.

The Masterpiece


Lately Room 12 have been doing ‘The Masterpiece’, there were four things that we could study they were dance, music, drama and visual art.


Then we choose an art piece to study, for example Courtney Anderson and Lily Campbell were doing Spice Girls, Liana Di Stella, Mackenzie Christie and Vision Wilson Gorden did short films and Esther Murphy did Akaine a painter from America.


Today we are sharing for our art project with Room 7 can’t wait!!


We did the presentation! Room 7 went first and they did really well! Our presentation was really good and funny! Here are some photos!