Thursday, 13 December 2012

Year Six Camp

Ring ring the bell rang for class. The year Sixes were off to Dundien to start there camp. After shopping they arrived at the Scout Camp. During the week we did lots of interesting things, some of these are to follow.

Year 6 Camp: Games And Activities

Last week the year 6’s went to Dunedin for their camp.  On the camp they did activities with the parents, Mr. Excell and Mrs. Fuller at Waiora Scout Camp.
Some of the activities were:
Kick the can, the obstacle course and a very awesome campfire that almost everyone took part in.
When I took part, I did some modeling with Georgia Mitchell and Alicia Duncun. It was a better version of N.Z got talent! It was called Year 6’s have talent! It was so awesome!
Kick the can was the first game that we did on the camp. It was very enjoyable! For the obstacle course, there were so many extraordinary obstacles we had to jump over, go under or even climb into! I came 5th overall with a time of 2:05 minutes. Anyway, the year 6’s loved the camp! Thanks to everyone who helped make the trip! We couldn’t have done it without you!
By Hazel Allen.

Year Six Camp : Art gallery
Last week the year sixes went to Dunedin for camp and on Thursday we went to the Art gallery when we were there we looked at some amazing paintings and played some tunes on some cute little bells , they were all different colours and when the man pointed to your colour you would ring your bell .
After that we went up to the work shop and made some funky robots it was so much fun you had to put on cool accessories and make faces for them it was great fun and I would do it again !!
By Lily K-T

Movie and Dessert
Last week a bunch of year sixes from Te Anau School went to Dunedin for year six camp. On the second night all the year sixes went out to a movie then to dessert at the Lone Star we all left from the scout camp to the movie theatre to watch a movie Hotel Pennsylvania the movie was about a hotel for monsters so they could get away from humans for a while. And Dracula owned the hotel and his wanted to go into the world but Dracula wouldn’t let her if you want to see what happens you’ll have to go and see it. After after we all went to the Lone Star for desert the options were chocolate surprise Pavlova or just vanilla after we all went back to camp to go to sleep.
By Jez

The year sixes of Te Anau School went to Dunedin for the week. Last Thursday we walked up Baldwin Street. Once everyone was there we all walked up Baldwin Street. Some people found it very easy and others found it quit hard. Once everyone was up the top all of the children went together to get a group picture.  We all looked around for a bit. Dave rolled down some Jaffa’s some went all the way and some didn’t. Off we went back down everyone found the walk down so easy and when we were nearly at the bottom some children ran the rest. Once we got to the bottom everyone started driving off to the Museum!


Movie Making
Last week the year 6’s went on a school camp, and some iPads with them. On the iPads the year 6’s used the app Movie Maker. During the entire week the year 6’s had to capture what did in the week. On Movie Maker we were to make a short video clip using photos taken from activities, or short films.

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