Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star - Take One and Take Two (Updated)

This is the updated version.  Look at how much we have improved.

Twinkle Twinkle Video Take Two (One week later)

Below is a video of us playing and singing Twinkle Twinkle.  Over the next couple of weeks we hope to improve.  Come back soon to see how we have come along.

Twinkle Twinkle Video Take One

Burwood Takahe Visit

On the 29th of July some students and teachers went out to the Burwood Takahe unit. We saw and fed the Takahe.
Helen Dodson talking to us about the incubation room.
They keep the eggs in here till they are a certain age.

They keep the eggs in here to keep them safe.

This is where they keep the Takahe when they have hatch to dry them.
This is where they use to puppet feed the Takahe chicks.  They don't do this anymore.

The stoat proof fence. Also very electric.

The Takahe coming to have their dinner. (they are the little black dots on the other side of the fence)
The Takahe eating.

Lydia, Ellie and Blake looking at the takahe eat their food.

A man talking to us about how Takahe use their beak to eat tussock.

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

School Song Music Video

Last term we made a music video to go along with our school song.  Enjoy!

Thursday, 3 July 2014

The Kahurangi Dancers

Te Anau School were lucky enough to watch the Kahurangi Dancers.  They were a group of traditional Maori dancers that travelled all over New Zealand.  They got Mr Rush up to have a go using a traditional Maori stick, he had to copy after a dancer. There were two girls and four boys.  They had been together for a month and a half.  They performed for about 45 minutes doing really cool dances that were based on Maori legends.  They did poi dances and Maori war dancers.  It was a great show.

Written by Luke and Jonty

Polar Plunge - freezing for a reason

On the 22nd June 2014 there was the annual Polar Plunge at Lake Te Anau.  

After registration we all got prepared for the plunge, we had to wait a while. Before we jump in photos are taken and best dressed are chosen. As our celebrity volunteers plunge we find out who earned the most amount of sponsors, which was Jessica Barnes and Samantha Powell. They got to lead the Year 6s into the freezing water. Once we were out everyone else clambered into the lake. Once we get warm we get a sausage and a hot chocolate. Then are the spot prizes.  Once this is done everyone starts going home.

By Jess B and Ellie

South Spell2014

South Spell 2014
12 students from Room 12 were selected to go to the South Spell competition. We were spilt into 3 different groups of 4. There was 42 groups overall. The spelling test was divided into 10 different categories.  We were supplied with a Mitre 10 pen, some scrap paper so we didn't shout out the answer and a piece of paper to write the right answer on. Just about every parent that came offered their vehicle. We had a blast working together as a group. We were spilt apart when we got to the desks so we couldn't cheat (although we wouldn't!!). We were about a metre away from the next group of kids. The names of the people who got through to South Spell are: Lydia, Rosie, Thomas, Connor, Jessica, Esther, Tessa, Emmerson, Luke, Samantha, Lindsay, Jake. We think it's a great opportunity and everyone should try and aim to get through to South Spell.
A huge thanks to everyone who helped us.

By Lydia and Rosie.

South Spell competition

Te Anau School Hangi

On the third of July Te Anau School had a hangi to celebrate the end of their Matariki topic. Over Term 2 we all did lots of art through out the classes. At the start of the term Room 12 was put in charge of digging the hangi. Over a few weeks we completed it. It was hard work. When the day came for our hangi it was cancelled but Redcliff restaurant kindly cooked our vegetables and Dale’s hangi team cooked the meat on BBQs. We also sang songs like at a traditional Matariki celebration.
We had some food once we sang our songs. Yum Yum. We had lots of different varieties of food like root vegetables and meat. We reckon the best one were the chops. Once we finished eating our parents looked through the classes. What a day. But it wouldn’t have been possible with out the parents, Dale’s team, the teachers, Redcliff, Kiwi Holiday Park for donating their place, Mr Rush and all the children.

Written by Thomas, Lindsay and Jayden